Sabtu, 27 Juli 2013



(i)        A. Proposed Equipment for Pile Driving PC Sheet Pile and RC Pile
The PC Sheet Pile (K-500, t=220mm, w=500mm), will be driven Crawler Crane 20 T, While RC Pile (Concrete Type A3, Section 20x20cm) will be driven by diesel hammer.
Piles not be driven until at least 14 days after the specified of 28 days strength has been achieved, and no case piles will be driven until least 21 days after casting
The equipments that would be used :
Type of Equipment
Crawler Crane 20 T
15 m/hour
Diesel Hammer
15 m/hour
Drop Hammer
Trailer 20T
(ii)      B. Proposed Materials, Procurement and  Transportation / Fabrication / Assembly Details of PC Sheet      Pile and RC Pile
a.    PC Sheet Pile (K-500, t=220mm, w=500mm)
Length                         : 9 m.
Dimension                    : Width = 500 mm, Thickness = 220 mm
Concrete                      : Class A-1
Fabrication                             : Surabaya
Assembly                     : in the site work
Transportation will be done by trailer
b.    RC Pile (Concrete Type A3, Section 20x20cm)
Length                         : 2 m, 3 m.
Dimension                    : Width = 200 mm, Thickness = 200 mm
Concrete                      : Class A-3
Fabrication                             : Jakarta
Assembly                     : in the site work
Transportation will be done by trailer
This type of piles made by pile manufacturer that are specifically manufactured in accordance with the order based on the required technical specifications.
Before the procurement process, then the stages that should be done are:
ü  Request the approval to the Employer for using the materials
ü  Preparing the stockyard location at site
ü  Conduct a review to the factory
ü  Request the approval to the Employer for the supplier

If the above stages have been approved by the Employer, then the next is the procurement of pile. Pile that had come to the site would be inspected strictly, whether there is any damage and lack of compliance with the specifications. Materials that fulfill the specifications would be stocked at the stockyard for the execution of further driving, while the material that does not fulfill the specifications would be rejected and returned to the supplier.
In this procurement of sheet pile would use PT. Saeti Concretindo Probes (PT. JHS System) as a supplier.

The Sequence of PC Sheet Pile & RC Pile Procurement Works:
1.    Preparatory works which consist of:
ü  Review of factory
ü  Preparation of personnel
ü  Preparing the location to stock the sheet pile
ü  Submit the request for approval to use the material : PC Sheet Pile & RC Pile
2.    In the preparatory works, all the mobilization completeness of the PC Sheet Pile & RC Pile Procurement Works should be inspected by the Supervisor/Director/Consultant for a consideration whether the materials in accordance with the specifications or not.  
3.    If all materials, equipments, personnel are available and has been approved by the Supervisor/Director/Consultant, then made order of PC Sheet Pile 220 x 500 l=9m’ procurement.
4.    If the procurement of PC Sheet Pile & RC Pile has come, then the materials are to be inspected and should be approved by the Director/Supervisor/Consultant, if there are any materials that faulty / not in accordance then the PC Sheet Pile & RC Pile should be collected into one with the rejected items, if approved the procurement of PC Sheet Pile & RC Pile would be stacked at  a stock material that would be used.

(iii)     C. Method of Handling and Storage of PC Sheet Pile and RC Pile
PC Sheet Pile and RC Pile should be stored as required in this specification.
1.    PC Sheet Pile and RC Pile should be placed free from direct contact with the ground and placed in the timber bearers above the hard ground that will not go down in dry or rainy season, due to the load from the PC Sheet Pile.
2.     If the PC Sheet Pile and RC Pile is arranged in layers, should not more than 5 layers with timber bearers between each layer. Bearers for each layer should be installed on top of previous layers.
3.    For that PC Sheet Pile and RC Pile, bearers should be installed at clearance of no more than 30% of the length of the unit, measured from each end.

(i)      D.  Method and Procedure of Driving of PC and RC Piles
In handling the transportation of the PC Sheet Pile from stock yard to the driving location would be used trailer, while unloading would use Crawler crane 20 Ton. Lifting point should be given an attention, so that the PC Sheet Pile does not become broken.
After the PC Sheet Piles are ready at location, then the first step is to conduct measurements to determine the driving point according to the shop drawing that has been approved by Consultant and Director and installed the pegs as a reference for the execution of the works.
If the points have been agreed, then to commence the driving works, the steel guide is installed at the driving line and also prepare the position of driving equipment etc., and after all the preparation has been complete, the driving works can be commenced by using Diesel Hammer K 25 or K35 as required. It is required to maintain the straightness and the end elevation of driving, when driving each pile should be marked with paint at every one meter and placed one unit of measurement equipment that can monitor at all times of where the driving point would be done, when the driving would be commenced, when splicing (if any) and where the end elevation of driving. Considering that besides the elevation of driving is still there Pilecap elevation where the steel pile should be fused with Pilecap steel as a splice stick, so that in this case there should be remains of pile to be demolished along required.
The Sequence of PC Sheet pile 220 x 500 L=9m’ Driving Works:

a.    Procedure Driving Works  PC Sheet Pile (K-500, t=220mm, w=500mm) L= 9 m
1.    Preparatory works which consist of:
ü  Preparation of equipment
ü  Preparation of personnel
ü  Preparation of PC Sheet Pile 220 x 500 L= 9 m
ü  Working drawing
2.    In the preparatory works, all the mobilization completeness of the PC Sheet Pile 220 x 500 L= 9 m, Procurement Works should be inspected by the Supervisor/Director/Consultant for a consideration whether the materials and equipments could be used for PC Sheet Pile 220 x 500 L= 9 m Driving Works or not.  
3.    If all materials, equipments, personnel are available, then to execute the PC Sheet Pile 220 x 500 L= 9 m driving works should be approved by the Director/Supervisor/Consultant, if the approval has been given, the PC Sheet Pile 220 x 500 L= 9 m driving works could be commenced, if not approved then the Contractor should complete the lack according to the technical specifications.
4.    If approved by the Director/Supervisor/Consultant, trial of PC Sheet Pile 220 x 500 L = 9 m driving works could be done based on working drawing that has been approved by the Director/Supervisor/Consultant.
5.    The result of that driving PC sheet pile PC 220 x 500 L = 9 m trial should be approved by the Director/Supervisor/Consultant, if rejected, so the PC Sheet Pile 220 x 500 L = 9 m driving works should be repeated until all requirements in technical specifications are fulfilled.
6.    If the trial of PC Sheet Pile 220 x 500 L = 9 m driving works has been approved by the Director/Supervisor/Consultant, then the PC Sheet Pile 220 x 500 L = 9 m can proceed.  
7.    Driving PC Sheet Pile 220 x 500 L = 9 m precast piles using crawler crane 20 T.
8.    Ensure no event of any misalignment development during driving

b.    Procedure Driving Works  RC Pile (Concrete Type A3, Section 20x20cm) L = 2 m & 3 m
1.    Preparatory works which consist of:
ü  Preparation of equipment
ü  Preparation of personnel
ü  Preparation of RC Pile 20 x 20cm L= 2 m & 3 m
ü  Working drawing
2.    In the preparatory works, all the mobilization completeness of the RC Pile 20 x 20 cm L= 2 m & 3 m, Procurement Works should be inspected by the Supervisor/Director/Consultant for a consideration whether the materials and equipments could be used for RC Pile 20 x 20 cm L= 2 m & 3 m Driving Works or not.  
3.    If all materials, equipments, personnel are available, then to execute the RC Pile 20 x 20 cm L= 2 m & 3 m driving works should be approved by the Director/Supervisor/Consultant, if the approval has been given, the RC Pile 20 x 20 cm L= 2 m & 3 m driving works could be commenced, if not approved then the Contractor should complete the lack according to the technical specifications.
4.    If approved by the Director/Supervisor/Consultant, trial of RC Pile 20 x 20 cm L= 2 m & 3 m driving works could be done based on working drawing that has been approved by the Director/Supervisor/Consultant.
5.    The result of that driving RC Pile 20 x 20 cm L= 2 m & 3 m trial should be approved by the Director/Supervisor/Consultant, if rejected, so the RC Pile 20 x 20 cm L= 2 m & 3 m driving works should be repeated until all requirements in technical specifications are fulfilled.
6.    If the trial of RC Pile 20 x 20 cm L= 2 m & 3 m driving works has been approved by the Director/Supervisor/Consultant, then the RC Pile 20 x 20 cm L= 2 m & 3 m can proceed.
7.    Driving RC Pile 20 x 20 cm L= 2 m & 3 m precast piles using diesel hammer
8.    Ensure the driving until final depth
9.    Determine the final set after the last 2-3 blow
10. Driving RC Pile 20 x 20 cm L=  3 m for Raising Floodwall structure using by crane with drop hammer

11.    Driving RC Pile 20 x 20 cm L= 2 m for Revetment structure (Using Crane With Drop Hammer)

12.    Driving RC Pile 20 x 20 cm L= 2 m for Revetment structure (Using Excavator)

(i)        Method and Procedure of Splicing and Cutting Piles
a         a.    Splicing
1.    Connection of bottom upper of pile by using welding with electrode EsaB-7018, 2 layers with dia.4mm
2.    Let the connection cold about 10 minutes, the paint the connection
3.    Driving the upper pile only be carried out after the painting is dry
4.    Driving is stop when the plan depth reached
b        b.   Cutting
1.    Mark the of pile to be cut, elevation is shown
2.    Cutting by hitting hammer to the marked head pile
3.    Keep the rebars stay in place
4.    Dispose the cut head pile the approved disposal area
(ii)      Method and Procedure of test pile and pile driving recording
Test pile for PC pile :
1.    Propose pc pile according to the specification for the engineer approval
2.    Prepare the location for driving piles
3.    Prepare the piles as near as possible to enable crane to reach
4.    Cover the top pile with steel plate caping
5.    Lift the pile and place it in the desired position
6.    Ensure the verticality of pile, use assistance of surveyors
7.    Driven the pile to the required penetration by diesel hammer
8.    Ensure that no event of any misalignment developed during driving
9.    Record (calendaring) is performed when the piles reaches hard layer or the estimated plan depth
10. Record the number of hammer blows to 250mm penetration
11. Driving and calendaring is continued until the final set is determined by the last 6 blows
12. Submit the result of recording to the engineer’s for approval


FORM No.001


JOB No.____PLANT____
SHEET No.__________________
REF. ELEV.__________________
WATER DEPTH.______________



CONTRACTOR :____________________
SIGNED           :____________________

CONSULTANT :____________________
SIGNED           :____________________

ENGINEER      :____________________
SIGNED           :____________________

to be continue..........